Faithful Media

Faithful Media


The Holy Spirit led me to form Faithful Media a couple of years ago after a dark turn of events in 2012 brought about an encounter with God that would change the course of my life forever. From hopelessness to eternal hope!

Our mandate is to use all forms of media to reveal and testify to the ongoing miraculous works of the Living God.

  • to provide evidential truth of miracles, signs and wonders

  • to gather testimonies of personal journeys from darkness to light

  • to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth

  • to make disciples

  • to bring in the harvest as commanded by Jesus Christ

A small team has gathered around me to help in the pursuit of God’s will in this era.

Our desire at Faithful Media is that you, and everyone we come into contact with, would know the saving power of God and His faithfulness, and to fulfil the purposes that He has for all of our lives.

The Faithful Media Team